Apple preps iPhones with bigger screens

Jan 27, 2014

Apple’s Inc.’s bigger iPhones will probably look like this, only bigger.

Apple Inc is finally ready to join the rest of the world’s smartphone makers by making a bigger iPhone.

Two of them, actually.

The Wall Street Journal says Apple is making an iPhone with a screen that’s larger than 4.5-inches. It’s also working on a second iPhone with a screen that’s bigger than five inches.

Additionally, the Journal says Apple is scrapping the iPhone 5C’s plastic style. The new phones are going to be metal like the iPhone 5S.

The 4.5+ inch model is being prepared for mass production, says the Journal. The bigger iPhone is still in development.

These phones should be out around the same time as usual for Apple, so September.

Apple’s number one smartphone rival is Samsung. Its most popular phone in the U.S. is the SIII, which has a 4.8-inch screen. Its next most popular is the S4, which has a five-inch screen.

Apple has done quite well with smaller screens for the iPhone, so it’s not like it needs to make a bigger iPhone. However, there seems to be plenty of consumer demand in the U.S. and abroad for a bigger screen size. So, Apple should definitely expand its line and offer different screen options for users.

This isn’t some sort of radical strategy for Apple. It offers laptops in 11-inch, 13-inch, and 15-inch screen sizes. So why not do the same with the iPhone?


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